Taz6 dual v3 bltouch

Hi all,

I’m completely fed up with the stock leveling situation on my Taz 6 and so I’ve bought a bltouch that I’m hoping to use with drunken octopus firmware, but I haven’t been able to find a mount for the dual v3 extruder online for the BLtouch. I’m comfortable making my own, but just thought I’d ask if anyone has seen one. This got me thinking about how one compiles firmware with probe offsets if there is no mount? I can change the offsets myself if need be, but it’d be really sweet if I could just print a mount and upload pre-compiled firmware.

I can change the offsets myself if need be, but it’d be really sweet if I could just print a mount and upload pre-compiled firmware.

You can certainly do this. The offsets are specified with M851 and are stored in the EEPROM. So you can use precompiled firmware even if the default offsets are incorrect.

Thanks for that tidbit. Now I’m just waiting for the heavens to open and someone to drop a link to an stl file for a mount.

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X Carriage Stock Clamps.STL (454.4 KB)
Here you go! The offsets are X -19.5 Y 47 Z -4, but please double check Z on your own.

I’m refining this so it’s still in beta but working on my project toolhead.

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@marciot, one thing I have been playing around with on this bracket is making a sort of universal firmware, that way I can swap tool heads and just do a PID tune vs refreshing every time. The nozzle is in the same spot and so is the BLTouch. Off topic I know, but have you thought about something like this too?

you’ve made me a believer! Thanks!

There is also one hole next to the lower bearing holder that has a chamfer on it. That’s in case you run a universal tool head you can run a long flush head screw from the back so you don’t have to secure it to the universal adapter.

This toolhead is totally badass! A tad expensive however lol.

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Yeah super expensive! I might sell the whole printer soon. I don’t need more ideas and projects :rofl:

My Mini’s will forever be with me though

I am so glad I found this forum and thread.

I recently acquired a used Taz 6 and have been really disappointed it doesn’t seem to have a factory-led upgrade path for these machines. I would think offering 32 bit boards with silent drivers and BL Touch support would be popular! These were there “big build plate” printers back in 2016!

I have many machines in my print farm and this came to me needing several repairs (broken wire in hot end for bed leveling) and other little things.

That modified carriage looks interesting!

I am curious if anyone has utilized the BTT SKR boards in these machines?

I look forward to finding out how to modernize this dinosaur =)

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Unfortunately this places the BL touch way too low for SE toolhead mounted to the adapter. Can you remix this to move the bl touch mount up about 4mm?