TAZ 6 Modular Bed ARCHIM 2.0 Issue

I am trying to isolate a systemic problem on my 2 taz6 printers both running Archim 2.0, Aerostruder heads, and the latest version of Drunken Octopus firmware

Problem: Upgraded both a modular bed from Lulzbot. After having made the required Z offset adjustment…

Orig Offset (-1.20) + Lulz Taz correction (+1.50) = new Z offset (+0.3)

i end up with what appears to be compressed prints. Z axis calibration cube 20mm now is at 18.3 mm.

When I swap back to the respective old beds and reset the Z Offset to -1.20, dimensions return to normal, 20mm Z.

Is there something I am missing that needs to be changed in the firmware to accomodate the height difference.

The only other common thing between them is Prusa slicer which generates the gcode which I upload to Octoprint.

Any Ideas?

Your thoughts are most appreciate

See https://forum.lulzbot.com/t/taz-6-modular-bed-aerostruder-compressed-prints-issue/26571/10.