Taz 6 Archim 2 upgrade

Hi everyone. I flashed the board with the drunken octopus software. My god is it so much quieter. My question is. When I home the machine it does not home to any axis. It homes where e ever it was when turned on. What am I missing? Is the software all I needed or did I have to add to it? I’m fairly new to this and not sure how to fix it. After days of scratching my head I’m at a lose. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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There are some steps to do once you flash and get everything wired up.

I am in the same position as you - just came across this and it helped a lot:

I had to change my startup code a little bit to warm up. The steps to get calibrated and stored to eeprom worked, but the startup ended up being cold.

Here is my draft at startup code:

Startup G Code Travis Hybrid

; This gcode has been hacked together by Jason to incorporate ABL

M73 P0 ; clear GLCD progress bar

M75 ; start GLCD timer

G90 ; absolute positioning

M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode

G92 E0 ; set extruder position to 0

;TravisRemoved;M140 S{bed_temperature[0]} ; start bed heating up

;TravisRemoved;M190 R{bed_temperature[0]} ; wait for bed to get to temp

M190 R{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ; start bed heating up

M109 R{material_soften_temperature} ; soften filament before homing Z

M104 S160; start warming extruder to 160

G28 ; Home all axis

G29 A ; enable ABL

G29 L1 ; Load saved mesh from bank 1

G29 J3 ; 3x3 point tilt mesh

;TravisRemoved;M109 R{first_layer_temperature[0]} ; wait for extruder to reach printing temp

M117 Heating… ; progress indicator message on LCD

M109 R{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ; wait for extruder to reach printing temp

M190 R{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ; wait for bed to reach printing temp

M117 TAZ 6 Printing… ; progress indicator message on LCD


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Ironically I just upgraded and flashed one of my two Taz 6 printers This information is very helpful but i have another question

I downloaded Prusa and Cura. Prusa has the profile but only gives option to save Gcode. Cura does not have profile. CuraLE does not detect the printer of course since it has a different board

Is there a recommended slicer? I would like to have live control the way LE let me move preheat etc.

Thanks everyone.

Well Got Cura to work.

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The Dish King THANKS!! I appreciate it. It’s so strange that now it will home y. X moves 5 mm ever time I try to home it and z where ever it is when I how. How are you going into marlín to change the settings? I can’t get into it and I have reloaded it many times. I thought well maybe the board as I have 3 other new ones and it’s the same so I know it’s not the board. IT’s somewhere in the program. Can I cut and paste your code ?
Also I tried to get Cira to talk to the oars to do some commands to see why it is reading and no luck. I tried pronterface anything with a terminal command. I’m almost at the point of installing Klipper. I have 10 Voron 2.4 and love Klipper but would like to use this software. Thanks again for the info

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I am no expert myself :slight_smile: I am still learning. I just upgraded my Taz 6 a week ago and have been learning a lot since.

Take care and good luck!