RepRap Display Differences

So, this is a bit difficult to explain, but some versions of DO have the full display style which uses smaller letters and has the x/y/z position and some versions have the blocky letters that omit position information. My Taz 6 firmware which is a few releases ago has the full info being displayed. But the most recent I applied to my Workhorse has the blocky letters with no position info. The LulzBot version of the firmware for the same Workhorse has the full information, so it’s a firmware issue/option.

Is this an option in the firmware?

This is the “minimal” display I don’t like. I want the one with the x/y/z position as well. I can’t embed the image.


Yeah, there are two UI styles. I could easily switch the workhorse to use the older style if that is what LulzBot is using these days.

Did you say that the UI changed recently? Do you happen to know what DO release this happened?

Per the latest LulzBot Workhorse firmware it is using the full UI with x/y/z position.

As far as the Taz 6 goes, it has DO version from 8/14 (62 I think). And it uses the full UI. The newest DO (64) does not have the full UI. At least not using the Workhorse configs.

If there is a #define I need to comment or uncomment out to enable it please let me know.

Does this have anything to do with it?


@zenotek the setting you are looking for is LIGHTWEIGHT_UI, you want to disable that to have the full display.