Possibility?: MPC vs PID

I can see some real advantages for me, using a copper block, and trying to push the volumetric rate of my hotend. Has anyone experimented with this? Would this is brutal to apply here? It looks like all the relevant numbers exist to make it work, but I just discovered MPC

Model Predictive Temperature Control | Marlin Firmware (marlinfw.org)

Currently Working with a Modified Taz6ArchimBLTouch Angelfish build to test this, I use PETG only right now so it is convenient, I can see the problem with changing filaments and needing to re-enter thermal data and retune, but so far, does seem to make smoother extrusion in variety of cooling states

S Curve, Junction Deviation, Linear Advance,Enforced Stepper Driver Square Wave, Extended Arc Control Distance, MPC Extruder Heater Control, SPI Feedback on tmc2130 for stall guard all successfully worked together for a longer than 24 hour print. What else to enable? How should I test this besides existing calibrations and checks?

This is a Archim2 Taz6 X/Y Rail Converted, BLTouch Hall Effect with itworks3d aerostruder setup. Running 500mm/s max accel/feed. PETG Printing from GCODE prepared in prusaslicer 2.6 and post processed with arc welder. Automatic speed profiling max 80mm/s and 10.5mm3/s volumetric (real print speed closer to 60mm/s average)

Here are some very experimental but functioning configs based on

Config and Advanced Config

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