Need some pointers

Hi, So wondering with my Luzlbot Mini 2 how best to use and get the most out of the DO firmware. Like what features should I use that are not in the stock firmware, which slicer is best to get the most out of the printer? I like Prusa/SuperSlicer, can these be used to good effect?

The primary users of Drunken Octopus seem to be people who have upgraded their TAZ printers to an Archim board, or upgraded their printers with things like BLTouch which aren’t present on the stock machines. For something like an unmodified Mini 2, you might consider DO if you want the latest Marlin code base for whatever reason. As it stands Marlin barely fits on the MiniRambo, so it has fewer features enabled than the Archim builds for the TAZ printers, a trend that is likely to continue as Marlin gets larger. As such, I do not know what benefit, if any, comes from using DO on such printers, but perhaps someone who actually has one of those printers can comment.