Linear Advance in Marlin 2.xx

Has anyone tried linear advance on Marlin 2. There is a bug that’s been around for almost a year where it will make the extruder chatter. I thought there was something wrong with my hermera until I did some digging. Turning linear advance off fixed it and it went away…

Hoping a fix comes for it in Marlin…

This issue was not present in 1.1.9…

At least as far back as DO release 16, linear advance was found to be incompatible with junction deviation (as opposed to CLASSIC_JERK) and STEALTHCHOP_E. I do not know whether that has changed.

Ok. So is this a marlin thing then?

I was using linear advance on drunken octopus previously with junction deviation off, is this still the case? I am just reviving printers after long stop and prefer linear advance over junction deviation or stealthchop?

Linear Advance works as expected, just following up to my own question.