Help Compiing Firmware

Hello New here,

I’m trying to compile firmware with THERMAL_PROTECTION_VARIANCE_MONITOR commented out with R42 build. I tried flashing R41 but there is a line in that build that runs a mesh bed level routine (G26) the work around for this was implemented in R42.

I’m using VS Code on a Mac if that matters and I’m getting all sorts of errors.

I just released R43 that disables THERMAL_PROTECTION_VARIANCE_MONITOR , so you won’t need to compile it yourself. Let me know if it works for you. Thanks.

You could simply comment out the G26 in the startup code, don’t think it does anything critical. I’ve had it off since moving to DO and never had a problem.

I deleted the line from the startup code and it still runs. But only if I’ve already homed the printer and leveled the bed.