Do people run Drunken Octopus on Rambo Boards?

I am under the impression that Drunken Octopus is intended to be used on Archim boards but it occurred to me that there may be people using Rambo boards with Drunken Octopus as well.

you can use it on Rambo as well, i had it on my Taz 6 before i upgraded to the Archim 2

My TAZ6 is running on the original rambo board. Did you notice anything interesting when you upgraded?

It seems to level without hanging up as often and it may be a little quieter. Other than that, its hard for me to tell. I’ve got it running real good right now and doubt I will go back to the Rambo board.
I originally got the Archim 2 so I could put a BL Touch on it because I was frustrated with it hanging on during leveling but since I put it in I haven’t felt as much need to change the leveling system although that’s still something I might do some day.
I saw not long ago that Marcio had written a version of DO that supports BL Touch on the Rambo by removing some stuff from the Rambo software and almost made me want to go back to it. The biggest issue I have been having was getting the Dual Extruder v3.1 to work with the Archim 2 board but Marcio worked with me on that last week and its working better than it has ever worked, now.

haha I totally feel you on that one. It never fails on the first washer, it’s always the 4th.

Yes I have it on my Taz 5 as well as Taz 2.1. One has Rambo 1.1b I think and the other 1.3. Having baby steps helps a lot with having dual extruder.

Is the upgrade to Archim 2 with a dual V3.1 extruder on a Taz 6 worth it. What’s the real gain for the additional $200 besides having 32bit calculations. Do you notice enough of a difference to justify cost, time and tinkering? I ask bc my Rambo board stopped communicating.

If your rambo board isn’t working, this would be a good time to upgrade to the Archim 2 board. I am not at all sorry I went to the Archim 2 on my Taz 6.
The 2 main things I found when I did the Archim 2 upgrade is the Taz 6 levels a lot more consistently and in general its quieter.
I can’t tell from your post what your situation is concerning the dual extruder. I have a Dual Extruder v3.1 but I don’t know what your issues are.

Honestly - not really. You are unlikely to notice the 32bit calcs at all, can still use BLtouch with the older board, and while the silent steppers are nice, it’s a far cry from being necessary, especially if the printer is not right next to your bed. I switched when one of the stepper drivers died on my og rambo. Doing the upgrade as a project was fun, figuring out schematics, gettin special crimps etc, but this definitely depends on your definition of “fun” :rofl: