Change Filament with BLTouch

Hope someone can help me out. With the BLTouch, Change filament mid-print no longer works. It will start to park, then it will immediately go to home z. It almost caused a crash. @marciot, any idea how to fix this?

As info, this is with an Archim 2, BLTouch, and a Hemera.

I see that FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT has been changed from the default. It was “M600”, but it was changed to “M25” for the TAZ Pro/SynDaver AXI. This change makes sense for those printers because the color display cannot support M600, but I bet it causes problems with printers using the B&W LCD. I will modify the next DO release to leave FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT as it is for printers with B&W LCDs. I bet that will solve the issue.

Awesome! Thank you! Will look forward to it… :slightly_smiling_face:

Wait… marcio, I did the filament change with a m600. I’m reading that as that it shouldn’t have worked at all, or am I reading that wrong?



Say for instance, I didn’t want to wait… :slight_smile:

Is fixing this is easy as changing:




Compile and profit?

Yes, that is what I am suggesting.

Ok, I compiled it… I’ll try it today or tomorrow. :slight_smile:
Thank you!

@marciot , so some info…

I changed the filament runout script to m600. Compiled and flashed. I homed the printer, brought to temp, and then issued a m600 via pronterface. The printer went to home before the filament change, even though I had homed right before the m600.

I went into configuration_adv.h and commented out the following:

//#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE // ← changed: If needed, home before parking for filament change

The printer then exectued m600 as expected. Not sure if there are some dire consequences that I don’t know about, but m600 would not work as expected until I did this. It would ALWAYS home, even with a m600 while printing.


@eobie: Interesting! I don’t know what the original reason these settings were added to the configs, but it probably has something to do with the nozzle park position, maybe?

When you remove that, does it do the filament change over the print, or does it park the nozzle away from the print before doing the filament change?

@marciot it parks when it does the filament change. Seems to be that it always thought it needed to home, despite knowing it’s position. I dunno, lol!