BTT V2.0 Smart Filament Sensor on Taz 6 with Archim 2

I’m installing a Big Tree Tech V2 Smart Filament Sensor on my Taz 6 which has an Archim2 board and is running DrunkenOctopus. Looking at the wiring guide for DO, I see that I can use pins 15 and 16 of the GPIO header for filament runout sensors 1 & 2 respectively. The BTTV2 sensor has two outputs (pull up), a motion sensor (PC2) and a switch sensor (PA0). PA0 goes to low when no filament is detected and PC2 alternates between high and low for every 2.88 mm of filament movement.

I’m guessing I can put PC2 directly to pin 15 of the GPIO and have filament detection working for extruder one, but am not sure what to do with the motion sensor (though I have a suspicion it will be a custom FW build). Has anyone tackled this yet, and if so do you have any advice?


Here’s the new extruder body to accommodate the sensor if anyone is curious. Taz 6 Extruder Body for BTT V2 Smart Filament Sensor - Work in Progress by cmadson - Thingiverse

So, I think that for the filament detection sensor I can wire directly into Pin 15, but for the movement sensor I will have to follow this path: